A cloud-based software for Grants, Contributions, Loans & Scholarship management
Certified and recommended by Microsoft

There is growing demand for easy online funding services at all levels.
What is Grant+?

Grant+ Key Features
Types of funding supported by Grant+
Grant+ has the capability to work on 5 major types of granting programs:
Grants (traditional & repayable)
Typically, funding delivery models follow a similar pattern for a granting life cycle with specific tweaks in functionality depending on the type.
Grant+ can be extended to customize these to make them unique to our clients, thus delivering a ‘Unique Client Funding Model’.

Application Intake
- End-users looking for funding, can open Application/Submission intake form for the appropriate program and fill out all the necessary information.
- Each form can be tailored to collect relevant information with eligibility checks, validation business rules configured so that data entered by the applicant conforms to the business needs.
- Collaborate on an application: Depending on the program, other parties (besides the lead applicant) can open the same application and fill out details for their pages/sections before it can be submitted.
- Digitally attest to the Terms & Conditions for receiving funding.
Program Management, Assessment & Decision
- Programs (or Funding Opportunities) can be defined and set-up with either fixed period intake or continuous intake (no end date).
- Multiple program elements can be set up: Intake forms open to the end-user on the client facing portal with editable or read-only components, validation elements, documentation requests etc.)
- A completeness review and assessment of the submission can be conducted by the Program administrators.
- If not complete, an amendment request can be initiated with personalized notifications to the Applicant to fulfill the missing data elements.
- The application can run through various decision phases (e.g., review, scoring, requests for additional information etc.) and either agreed to be funded or rejected.

Administration & Monitoring
- Once funding decision is approved, payment schedules and requisition processing steps can be enabled.
- Depending on the program, periodic progress of payments, scorecard objectives and outcomes can be monitored.
- Facilitates risk, financial and performance analytics – configurable performance dashboards and reports.
Rapid Implementation
Rapid Implementation – adaptable & scalable to support ever changing business needs.
Microsoft 365
Full integration with Microsoft 365.
Improved efficiency on grant processing time.
Adapts to ever evolving Digital Strategies in real time.
Business Models
Supports standard business models.
Third party integration capability using Power Automate.
Risk Monitoring
Easy risk, financial and performance reporting.
User friendly
User friendly & accessible.